Every month, there is a vespers service called Fusion (where all the vespers or ministries on services join together to do 'vespers'). The speaker was phenomenal. She was a female pastor from California whose topic was on Matthew 14 starting with Verse 22. She explained these verses in a way that I've never heard before.
Verses 22-23 [when Jesus left his disciples in the ship to go spend time in prayer]:
--> Sometimes you just need your time alone with God, even Jesus needed time alone with God. After constantly being followed by the crowd and his disciples, Jesus needed to just go leave his "homies" and "close buddies" to spend sometime with His father. Quality time with self is important, quality time with self and GOD is essential.
Verses 24-27 when the disciples on the ship began to experience heavy tosses and turns and Jesus DECIDED to show up on the FOURTH watch.
-->Sometimes in life, you're going through so much. It's not like you did anything wrong...you were actually doing God's work.... You call on God. No show. You're trying to work things out and call on God again, this time louder. It's now the third watch. You've tried everything you could. You waited as long as you could. You're this close to give up but you try again..."LORD, PLEASE hear my cry!!".....still no show. You're mad, frustrated, tired, helpless, hopeless. You are this close to given up, THIS CLOSE...but you know He is the only one you can call on and finally you get on your knees and call on HIM....He answers (CP time anyone?) But you know why sometimes he takes ETERNITY TO SHOW UP? Because God wants us--- after trying EVERYTHING you can to solve the situations, finding people to solve the situations and getting to the point of helplessness-- to give ALL the credits when it is all said and done. That's all He wants. Us to recognize his power and glory, because sometimes we forget that He's even there with us. We loooove to take credits for things we had nothing to do with.
Verses 28-29: when Peter tested Jesus.
-->Out of all the disciples only PETER had the audacity to test Jesus. He said "Lord if it is you, command me to walk on water" [SOOOO MUCH TO WRITE HERE BUT] When we feel the calling to do something for the Lord, or we're in a situation when we're not sure what to do, don't be afraid to TEST God and ask him to do the IMPOSSIBLE. you know, everyone can say that they've walked with Jesus but only ONE can say "he walked on water with Jesus"...POWERFUL, no? I definitely think so.
Finally, Verses 30, 31. When Peter doubted and cried out to Jesus.
--> She didn't even bother to mention his lack of faith but rather said]...sometimes when you make it to the middle of the water, (away from the boat and "far" from Jesus) you'll feel LONELY. Don't be afraid to cry out His name. Jesus will come in a second, bend down and reach out to you. It was even more powerful to hear because so many of us, including myself was wondering how the student who just graduated last May from the seminary...How he felt the calling of God to go out and preach the gospel abroad...only to be found lifeless days before his return to the US. Why would God allow his life to be cut so short? Well, sometimes, she reminds us, we will have to sacrifice our life when we are called to do God's will. ummmm [think on that].
Although there is so much to say about this weekend , I think this definitely topped it all. Such a powerful message that I wish I had time to expand on. In any cases, I hope that the little I shared could be of an encouragement to you. Remember that when you're answering the call of Jesus, it will be a lonely road, but in the end it'll be worth it. Only ONE can ever said He walked on WATER with Jesus. Test Him. Stop living your spiritual life vicariously through your friend, elder, pastor, or whatnot. Get your own experience.
[ back to work now...break time over! :(]
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