Monday, August 10, 2009

okee dokee

So this weekend, I have decided that I am going MIA for the next 4 months or so...a decision that was mainly reinforced and encouraged by the fact that I am going to start school (although there were other reasons). After hearing the following statement over and over again, I told myself that I should probably be pro-active in my efforts to do the best I can this academic year...."oh wow, really? Congratulations. This is the most rigorous degree in our field here. It's tough (serious look) but it's definitely do-able (flashing a smile)." how tough could it POSSIBLY be? I don't know, but what I do know is that for the next 2 years (including summers!!!) I'm booked and must stay focused. even though, school doesn't start until about a week .5 from now.. it doesn't hurt to start now, I guess. Besides, i am now phoneless. lol. As a friend, I don't necessarily like the whole completely "disappearing off the earth" ordeal, so I have decided to provide an alternative way of keeping in contact. I'll try my very best to keep this I am known for starting blogs and never following through. yikes. This will be different. It should be. I have to stay committed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I can't guarantee daily updates, but weekly updates should be feasible, or monthly....! [I know there'll be many times I'd want to take a break from studying/working] happy Monday!

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