My apartment-mate is either gonna love me or she's gonna....well,... love me.....when she gets here at the end of August (ha! at least I hope. :D).....because I've come to the realization that air-freshners and I have a thing going on. Get in my car, guess what? There's a car-freshner AND air freshner Walk in the living room- hi air-freshner Kitchen- you can't escape it...it's looking right at you! Bathroom- yup. Another air freshner awaits you. Not just one, oh no, but there's also a toilet bowl cleaner/freshner too. whoa...another air-freshner? you kid not! no, I kid not, check my room. :) ummm don't hate me because I'm fresh and so clean clean. ...[lol hahaha c'mon I really couldn't help it!] But seriously, I've been noticing and learning alot of things about myself, especially this past year, and one thing is for sure....I really like air-freshners!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of things I like and things I have a "thing" for....I have seriously been thinking about naming my car. It's starting to grow on me, and I know that because lately I've been going online trying to learn more about its kind. I am starting to really care for it [maybe because I am starting to realize just how MUCH it means to me]. It's the only possession here from home that I wouldn't want ANYTHING to happen to. It's my new passport to adventures, my door to opportunities, my window to the outside world. It is the test of independence and responsibility. It is the one possession that I have that forces me to be extremely considerate and really caring. If something's wrong with it, I can't just hang around and watch it suffer, because--besides the fact that it sounds just wrong!-- finding a replacement is impossible......For instance, I have a computer, but if my computer stops running, or crashes, I can go to the library and use a computer there, or go to the university or even borrow a friend's. It's not the end of me using a computer and getting what I need to get done (but hold on now, I APPRECIATE my computer too! don't get me wrong. ) But my car? no, not the same. I am required to learn how to be truly responsible. I am require to respond to its needs no matter how busy life gets, how tired I am, how crappy I feel, how impatient I may be. That's my personal business as far as it's concerned. I am require to think of it often, to treat it right and to use it wisely. I am required to care for it and its well being. It's no longer just me and my needs...I actually have something of my own to think and care for. You have no idea how much I am learning by having this car, and I am not talking about how to take care of a car and yadee yadee yadee ya, but actually applicable life lessons. It's amazing.
So yes...a name. A name means so much.Have you ever taken the time to give someone a nickname? Really, if you take the time to NAME something, it really shows how close/ meaningful or significant that thing/person is or has become to you. For some reasons (I STILL don't know why), I've always felt the name "Ty" or "Tye" (I haven't really thought about the spelling, but the sound rhymes with "Tie"). I am still thinking of a name for him (yes, my car has been personified)but I know for sure his middle name is going to be "Ty." So from now on, I will refer to my car as "Ty." His first name will come in due season. His first name is going to be one that embodies his character and personality. awww :)
In other news: Since the beginning of this year, I have been the Phone Prayer Line coordinator/leader for my church (LIGHHHTTHOUSE!). Every Thursday, 9:05pm (Central Time), I've been leading (or have someone lead on my behalf) the Prayer Line ministry--- a ministry where members call, share quick testimonies, share prayer requests and pray together. I've learned so much through leading this ministry. It's interesting because before then, my prayer has always been to be a woman of faith and a woman of prayer, so when I was asked to lead this ministry, it was God's way of giving me that opportunity to start working on that! Well, tonight, being away from home (and one hour ahead), I asked both of my little sisters to lead the prayer line on my behalf. They agreed to do so, thankfully, and boy! did they do a great job! It really shouldn't be a surprise to me, but it really warmed my heart. Last week's Prayer Line Food for Thought was led by another member I had asked to the same (also a blessing!), we focused on our future and the plans that God has for us. This week, my (baby) sister's Food for Thought text is found in Isaiah 55: 8-12. (<---click on it!).You should READ THESE VERSES NOW! :) Need prayers? Don't hesitate to call! It's open to all. The number 218.844.8230 Access Code: 201-102#. I'd love for you to join when you have time on Thursdays, 9:05pm Central Time. Anyways, it's getting pretty late here and I need my sleep. I pray that you too had an amazing day. Be thankful you're still alive to see another one!! blessings!!
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