Friday, October 9, 2009

Tithes on Loans?!?!??

So I have been thinking for a while now....(yeah I tend to think alot...more than I should?)...."tithes on grad school loans?!?!"

Hear me out....
If it weren't for God, I wouldn't have good credits for loans (and scholarships too!), correct?
If it weren't for God, I wouldn't have made it to grad school, am I right?
If it weren't for the God-given breath, brain, hands, feet, ears and all that good stuff, I wouldn't be here, there with me still?

Listing out just a tiny bit of His blessings, this is nothing. 

With that said, I am definitely considering tithing on my loans...well, more like, I am considering putting aside a month's rent for tithes and offerings....scratch that. I am not "considering", I am going to go for it.

What have I to lose compare to what I have to GAIN!?

Money? Well, I definitely almost threw $20 in the trash today, thinking that the envelope was empty. So I just found out that I am $20 richer than I thought :)... I mean, really? I'm already a broke student, how much worse could it get? challenges/denials are great. lol.... PLUS the money will actually be doing something good (helping someone out!!), right!?.

Check out my potential gains though!!:
  • Good health? YES, I'll definitely take that! [You know HOW MUCH HEALTH CARE COSTS?] getting sick will definitely be worth more than a rent's check.
  • Safety? FOR SURE, I'll take that too....e.g. car accident cost > a rent's check.
  • Saving money? Yes, there are many ways money can be wasted. Have you ever found yourself trying to save money, right? and then all of a sudden, everything started going wrong and you ended up spending mad money!! I may have more than one too many examples. :-/ .... :)
  • Peace? I love peace!!
  • FAITH!? yes yes yes please.
  • ....and this could go on and on and on and on and on.
Bottom line is: I am going to take that challenge. join me? yea, you should!!! :-D

So, in other news:

1. I brought my Jaci Velasquez concert ticket this week. Yeah! Night of  January 30th, 2010 here I come...............

2. WISE words from my awesome professor: "if you feel the need to discriminate against an individual or a certain group of people, it's because you're struggling with your own identity." AMEN

3. Procrastination is not cool.

4. Praise God for FALL BREAK.

5. Tomorrow, I am suppose to accompany a friend to the Korean church. lol.........can't wait.

6. Praise God for Productive Fridays: did laundry, cooked somethings (yea yeah......), currently working, but room/apartment/car are in the process of being cleaned (will finish it when I get off work!).

7. My computer's on a break. :( Will be back "in commission" next week.

8. Praise God for the SABBATH.


"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."-Thomas Jefferson.

 ~Patience works miracles.

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