Yesterday, Thanksgiving holiday, a body from our own community-- a 20-year old missionary was brought back on US land. Murdered while jogging in the morning, she was never to see another day. Next week would've been her 21st birthday. There's so much to wonder, so many questions to ask, but at the end of the day, death is a powerful reminder of our sinful nature, the promise of the second coming of Jesus, and our temporary life on earth. Your last will it be?
Mi Ultimo Dia (My Last Day)--I will attempt to translate this on my own....: :-/
As if today was my last day,
I will live life, love sincerely
I will show my loved ones how much I love them
As if today was my last day
I will fight for my dreams
Living without fear
And every minute, I will live it intensely (to the fullest)
I will not wait until tomorrow
If it's the present that I have.
As if there's no more time (as if there's no more time)
I will cherish the moment (I will cherish the moment)
I will show that I love you
That I am happy that I have you
As if your happiness depends on me
I will give it all for you and I will make this day the best that I could live
As if it were my last chance
To see you again this moment
The most important.
Of you I remember.
In the stress of life (in the stress of life)
We escape the details (or little things in life),(we escape the details)
Of a place ahead [or further on], regret we forget [I am sure there's a better interpretation....:)]
Sometimes [it makes] it difficult or impossible to recuperate [or fix it]
As if there's no more time (As if there's no more time)
I will cherish the moment (I will cherish the moment)
I will show that i love you
That I am happy, that I have you
As if your happiness depends on me
I will give it all for you
And I will make this day, the best that I could live
To enjoy those God has blessed me with
My friends, family and love
And I will make this day the best that I could live
And I will make this day the best that I could live...
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thank you God for.................
1. Being who You are. the GREAT I AM.
2. Family. Especially my PARENTS [[!!!]].
3. My uncle, whom You used to save me from downing at the age of 3 or 4!{can never forget that...if you're 3 or 4 years old reading this lol, don't disobey your parents!!}
4. Church Family!!
5. Friiiieeeennnnnndddds. yay. :)
6. People who care.
7. Always placing a light at the end of the tunnel.
8. Experiences- good AND bad.
9. Embarrassing moments lol.
10. Challenging situations and circumstances.
11. Mastering the art of procrastination.
12. Being able to sleep, and get good hours of sleep.
13. Being able to walk, talk, hear, smell, taste.
14. Always caring.
15. Always showing OUT when You didn't have to.
16. Seeing past my weaknesses.
18. Not getting sick at all this semester!! (not even getting a cold...PRAISES)....[at least, not yet].
19. Food ingredients and knowing what to do with them....ha ha ha.
20. Sense of humor that You've given me.
21. Optimism
22. Always giving me a reason to SMILE. aww :)
23. A piece of wisdom and understanding. Can't wait to get more :-D
24. Your Word and showing me what Love is all about!!
25. Giving me constant opportunities to serve.
26. Awesome room/apart-mates.
27. Experiencing a broken heart. worst and best experience. ever!!
28. Good news.[any, all...]
29. A great experience so far in grad school.
30. Funny people.
31. [Other people's lol] Adorable children!!
32. Good and inspiring music.
33. My car. {Praises}
34. Once in a lifetime opportunities.
35. the SUN that shineesss.
36. Beautiful weather
37. Motivation and Determination.
38. Strength.
39. Ability to think and reason.
40a. My parents!! (did I say that already? lol)
40b. My amazing students...esp those who keep in touch :)
41. Wise people, esp. elderly.
42. A song to sing.
43. Satisfying life so far.
44. Happiness and joy.
45. Peace and laughter.
46. Diversity.
47. Cooperation
48. Unity and love.
49.Being able to read and write
50. For LIfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffE.
1. Being who You are. the GREAT I AM.
2. Family. Especially my PARENTS [[!!!]].
3. My uncle, whom You used to save me from downing at the age of 3 or 4!{can never forget that...if you're 3 or 4 years old reading this lol, don't disobey your parents!!}
4. Church Family!!
5. Friiiieeeennnnnndddds. yay. :)
6. People who care.
7. Always placing a light at the end of the tunnel.
8. Experiences- good AND bad.
9. Embarrassing moments lol.
10. Challenging situations and circumstances.
11. Mastering the art of procrastination.
12. Being able to sleep, and get good hours of sleep.
13. Being able to walk, talk, hear, smell, taste.
14. Always caring.
15. Always showing OUT when You didn't have to.
16. Seeing past my weaknesses.
18. Not getting sick at all this semester!! (not even getting a cold...PRAISES)....[at least, not yet].
19. Food ingredients and knowing what to do with them....ha ha ha.
20. Sense of humor that You've given me.
21. Optimism
22. Always giving me a reason to SMILE. aww :)
23. A piece of wisdom and understanding. Can't wait to get more :-D
24. Your Word and showing me what Love is all about!!
25. Giving me constant opportunities to serve.
26. Awesome room/apart-mates.
27. Experiencing a broken heart. worst and best experience. ever!!
28. Good news.[any, all...]
29. A great experience so far in grad school.
30. Funny people.
31. [Other people's lol] Adorable children!!
32. Good and inspiring music.
33. My car. {Praises}
34. Once in a lifetime opportunities.
35. the SUN that shineesss.
36. Beautiful weather
37. Motivation and Determination.
38. Strength.
39. Ability to think and reason.
40a. My parents!! (did I say that already? lol)
40b. My amazing students...esp those who keep in touch :)
41. Wise people, esp. elderly.
42. A song to sing.
43. Satisfying life so far.
44. Happiness and joy.
45. Peace and laughter.
46. Diversity.
47. Cooperation
48. Unity and love.
49.Being able to read and write
50. For LIfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffE.
Let's Celebrate :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My way, or. The highway.
Let me just begin this post by saying that over the last year, I feel like I have been to a million health coming here, you know, I was trying to have the right "type" of ingredients in the kitchen, as well as trying to keep the other important aspects of health together (spiritual, physical, mental, intellectual, etc). When it came to the food, however, brown rice and I just couldn't get it together (and dang. brown happens to be my favorite color too!!). So, to make a very long story short. Brown rice and I couldn't get along because of one simple reason, it required patience, and I didn't have it. {Cooking when you're hungry = negative}. Start the cooking before you get hungry!! lol. In other words, I wanted to keep cooking the rice, but only MY way, and not necessarily how it should be cooked. Needless to say, White rice and I are back together!!! :-D. And you know what, so far, it's been a good ride. In fact, today I cooked a meannnn lunch, and I know it was mean because not only was I fully satisfied, others loved it too!!.I even craved it later on. I was so proud of myself that I even called my mother.....[only those of you who know my story would understand why I would have even mention this lol]
ANYways, thinking of my rocky relationship with my brown rice took me back to the sermon I've been wanting to share since forever (check out my other blogs) when I went to the Spanish church earlier on this semester. I will quickly summarize the message: Using the story of Cain, the pastor illustrated--well, many things, but essentially- the importance of following God the way He wants us to, not the way we want to. Even though Cain did use the best of the best to offer his offerings, it wasn't enough, it wasn't pleasing to God, because it wasn't what the Lord asked. Cain offered his offerings "out of generosity, not obedience; out of independence, not dependence." When we look at our own life, we should understand. How many of us would accept the best apples, oranges, strawberries in place of $1,000 that someone owed us? Be serious. You wouldn't. How many of us would give a student an A for giving us a sheet of perfectly responded calculus problems if we asked for a one-page reflection paper? I wouldn't. You wouldn't either. Same principle applied across.
So really, thinking of my experience with that Brown rice (still have some left lol), it really would've been easier to hit the highway. It would've been an easier, faster, and less challenging road compared to my wacky way. Similarly, taking HIS highway will most likely save us all from quite a few unecessary challenges, and trials and tribulations that are messing us up. Think on that.
Speaking of Highways, I was reminded of a poem that I wrote a couple of years ago. aww. It's a bit long and I'm trying to keep posts short. So if you want to check it out: .CLICK HERE!!.
Til next week. (I'll be sharing my top 50 things I'm thankful for. Totally appreciate Thanksgiving, though historically, I think it's kind of bogus. Wish there were more Native Americans around.....)
Til next week. (I'll be sharing my top 50 things I'm thankful for. Totally appreciate Thanksgiving, though historically, I think it's kind of bogus. Wish there were more Native Americans around.....)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
It's Hard Out There for a Sistah {Pt.1}
Poem #1 [pretty sure there'll be more to come....]
co-signed by another sistah. :-D
On a different note...I've been meaning to share this song FOR WEEKKKKKSSSS now. It's my new favorite (ok, one of my new favorite) songs right now... Listen to it. Enjoy it. Love it. [I totally know you will]
WHATEVER you may be going through, this is/should be YOUR song.
Make it a good week!!!
co-signed by another sistah. :-D
You know it's hard out there for a sistah
When one of the brothas from the smaller half
taken from the half of the right-side bigger :)
[the "smaller half" = sda, single, good-looking, mature, ambitious and smart men category],
comes along,
pulls out the best moves,
at all right times,
under the right conditions,
Only to find out that he is X years your junior....
"??????!!!?!?!?!" are right!
But undeniably impressive at the same time.
This is when everybody say: "MerCCYY!!".
C'mon now, say it with me, "merrccccyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Take your time on the "cy", it's well worth [ha.ha.]
So, yup. It's hard out there for a sistah.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~On a different note...I've been meaning to share this song FOR WEEKKKKKSSSS now. It's my new favorite (ok, one of my new favorite) songs right now... Listen to it. Enjoy it. Love it. [I totally know you will]
WHATEVER you may be going through, this is/should be YOUR song.
Make it a good week!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Just. Be. YOU.
Four reasons why you should: 1) Be happy of who you are 2) Appreciate yourself and 3) Love yourself.
You hang with a dynamic group of friends...let's say three. One of them is a very quiet for the most part, the other one is very funny, and the third is super talkative...and then, there's you. You happen to be the outspoken and spontaneous one. Last week, while hanging out with them, you went on a loop and said something totally random and did something spontaneous. At that time, you were in the moment and so it didn't bother you much, you were having fun, but now looking back at it, you're thinking "man. Why do I allllways do that? I am always the one making a fool out of myself."
Aside from the over-generalization thinking (always, never) and possible magnification of the situation...I thought it'll be good to remind you of a few things:
4. Genetically speaking, according to research, "heritability estimates from behavioral genetics studies show that about half of phenotypic (observerable) variance in most temperament and personality traits is attributable to genetic variation in a population" Damon, 2008, pg. 63 (Child and Adolesecent Development: An Advanced Course). In other words, there are some things you are just born with, and although the environment, and self can influence your temperament and personality traits for the better or worse, there is a limit to how much can be done for complete alteration. For instance, not anyone has the capability to go from an average of 10 pushups a minute to 400 pushups. For some, they may be just capable of going from 10 to 100 with lots of practice, and for others the range may be higher...So, stop beating yourself's not all YOUR fault :) ha ha. *Don't lose hope, however, there is a God who can do complete make-overs..*.
3. There's always a reason for responding a certain way to a certain thing/person. This could go for anything. For instance, someone said something to you that was very demeaning (could be significant other), and you got mad. You shouldn't feel sorry for that afterward. You responded that way because you felt you were disrespected, as an example, and you thought you deserved a lot better of a treatment than you received. And if that was the case, you should feel that way...because you do deserve better. [[however, that doesn't mean you have the right to take it further and act unprofessionally or unethically---....*cough cough* <--right on. [[So glad to see her arrive at that stage of development. Some serious learning experience. Follow her lead if you're experiencing this right now..guy or girl.]].
2. Isn't it interesting that it's easier to accept someone for who they are, and not yourself for who you are?....Be fair to yourself. You are AS cool as whoever you THINK is cool. We are our worst critics because we know ourselves way too well. Most of the time, the way we interpret our behaviors is rarely interpreted by others the same way. Life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how we react to it. *smile* :). Don't you think that others experience the same, but unlike you--maybe-- they don't spend time beating themselves to death about it? Chill. You're good.
1. Finally, I am sure you already knew this but meh, it's good to end with this: You are beautifully and wonderfully made. When God made you, He took His time. Stop criticizing His creation. You couldn't have done any better :-D
After all is said and done...remember: there's always room for improvement. If your behaviors are not healthy, do something about it. Bad habits are not what's hott. Keep it real, but make sure it's pleasing God, above all.
Have a FANTASTIC weekend [cause I'm planning on it, myself]!! lol
You hang with a dynamic group of friends...let's say three. One of them is a very quiet for the most part, the other one is very funny, and the third is super talkative...and then, there's you. You happen to be the outspoken and spontaneous one. Last week, while hanging out with them, you went on a loop and said something totally random and did something spontaneous. At that time, you were in the moment and so it didn't bother you much, you were having fun, but now looking back at it, you're thinking "man. Why do I allllways do that? I am always the one making a fool out of myself."
Aside from the over-generalization thinking (always, never) and possible magnification of the situation...I thought it'll be good to remind you of a few things:
4. Genetically speaking, according to research, "heritability estimates from behavioral genetics studies show that about half of phenotypic (observerable) variance in most temperament and personality traits is attributable to genetic variation in a population" Damon, 2008, pg. 63 (Child and Adolesecent Development: An Advanced Course). In other words, there are some things you are just born with, and although the environment, and self can influence your temperament and personality traits for the better or worse, there is a limit to how much can be done for complete alteration. For instance, not anyone has the capability to go from an average of 10 pushups a minute to 400 pushups. For some, they may be just capable of going from 10 to 100 with lots of practice, and for others the range may be higher...So, stop beating yourself's not all YOUR fault :) ha ha. *Don't lose hope, however, there is a God who can do complete make-overs..*.
3. There's always a reason for responding a certain way to a certain thing/person. This could go for anything. For instance, someone said something to you that was very demeaning (could be significant other), and you got mad. You shouldn't feel sorry for that afterward. You responded that way because you felt you were disrespected, as an example, and you thought you deserved a lot better of a treatment than you received. And if that was the case, you should feel that way...because you do deserve better. [[however, that doesn't mean you have the right to take it further and act unprofessionally or unethically---....*cough cough* <--right on. [[So glad to see her arrive at that stage of development. Some serious learning experience. Follow her lead if you're experiencing this right now..guy or girl.]].
2. Isn't it interesting that it's easier to accept someone for who they are, and not yourself for who you are?....Be fair to yourself. You are AS cool as whoever you THINK is cool. We are our worst critics because we know ourselves way too well. Most of the time, the way we interpret our behaviors is rarely interpreted by others the same way. Life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how we react to it. *smile* :). Don't you think that others experience the same, but unlike you--maybe-- they don't spend time beating themselves to death about it? Chill. You're good.
1. Finally, I am sure you already knew this but meh, it's good to end with this: You are beautifully and wonderfully made. When God made you, He took His time. Stop criticizing His creation. You couldn't have done any better :-D
After all is said and done...remember: there's always room for improvement. If your behaviors are not healthy, do something about it. Bad habits are not what's hott. Keep it real, but make sure it's pleasing God, above all.
Have a FANTASTIC weekend [cause I'm planning on it, myself]!! lol
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Your wish. His command.
Can't believe it's November alllllll ready. whoa.
My Sabbath was pretty fantastic. Good company, outreach with a solid group, church social events and hanging outs are always icing on the cake. Hope yours was fantastic as well!!
Have you ever prayed so hard you were left with no strength by the time you said "Amen"?
Have you ever asked God for a sign, or direction, or what so ever you wished, hoping for answer ASAP?
but then when you realized that it was going to take longer than you expected or wanted, you began to
take action.
better yet, began to speak of the impossible...
and sure enough, your prayers weren't answered
and you started blaming God?
but little did you know it was probably your own fault.
Check this out
After all that God had done for Israel (delivered them from slavery (Egypt), led them through the Red Sea, provided them with food and the necessaries they needed, along with guiding them with His pillars of clouds (so COOL!!!) by day and by night, these people could NOT stop complaining, and kept speaking of the impossible (read Numbers 13, 14)...and so when God saw how little of faith the children of Israel possessed he told Moses, "Say unto them. As truly as I live as YE have spoken in MINE ears, so will I do to YOU" (Numbers 14:28.
You can't pray and doubt the power of your prayer...[James 1: 6b,7 state], "for he that wavered is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall received anything of the Lord".
So next time you get on your knees to send a Jabez Prayer :), BELIEVE....and be patient :) and you just might see the impossible become possible...that is, if you keep your mouth from speaking the impossible!! :)
Happy WEEK!!!!
ps. Post inspired by last week's super POWERFUL Quarterly Lesson "From Complaints to Apostasy" . This week's lesson is on "Planning Ahead". Check 'em out. holllaaaaa lol :-D
My Sabbath was pretty fantastic. Good company, outreach with a solid group, church social events and hanging outs are always icing on the cake. Hope yours was fantastic as well!!
Have you ever prayed so hard you were left with no strength by the time you said "Amen"?
Have you ever asked God for a sign, or direction, or what so ever you wished, hoping for answer ASAP?
but then when you realized that it was going to take longer than you expected or wanted, you began to

take action.
better yet, began to speak of the impossible...
and sure enough, your prayers weren't answered
and you started blaming God?
but little did you know it was probably your own fault.
Check this out
After all that God had done for Israel (delivered them from slavery (Egypt), led them through the Red Sea, provided them with food and the necessaries they needed, along with guiding them with His pillars of clouds (so COOL!!!) by day and by night, these people could NOT stop complaining, and kept speaking of the impossible (read Numbers 13, 14)...and so when God saw how little of faith the children of Israel possessed he told Moses, "Say unto them. As truly as I live as YE have spoken in MINE ears, so will I do to YOU" (Numbers 14:28.
You can't pray and doubt the power of your prayer...[James 1: 6b,7 state], "for he that wavered is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall received anything of the Lord".
So next time you get on your knees to send a Jabez Prayer :), BELIEVE....and be patient :) and you just might see the impossible become possible...that is, if you keep your mouth from speaking the impossible!! :)
Happy WEEK!!!!
ps. Post inspired by last week's super POWERFUL Quarterly Lesson "From Complaints to Apostasy" . This week's lesson is on "Planning Ahead". Check 'em out. holllaaaaa lol :-D
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