Anyways, the title of this post came from a video shared at the Sabbath School that I attended last semester. Even though it was directed toward married couples, giving advice on how to keep one's marriage strong and meaningful, it was nevertheless useful to me. By "penny moments", the couple was referring to "small" moments, which may seem often to be worthless but can add up and make huge differences in one's marriage/relationship. The analogy was made between walking around and finding a penny on the ground. Can one penny really make a difference? (actually, it definitely can lol....I remember going to a store and was short ONE penny, and I couldn't find a penny anywhere!!!) However, once you start collecting the pennies, they really begin to add up right? Just the same, setting the tone when you arrive home and reconnect again by simply saying a meaningful "hi" or "good evening" does make a difference.
Anyways, I thought it was a powerful and beneficial message not only to married couples but also to everyone. In a world of uncertainty and full of surprises, making use of these penny moments can make a world of a difference to one person and your relationship with others. You may never have that chance again in the future to compensate for that time lost.
I've made it a point to take full advantage (as much as I possibly can) of these penny moments
happy holidays!!!!