I do want to take the time to thank PC for sharing the following regarding my previous blog because I know this topic may be a topic that many have/have been/are possibly wondering too!:
Many a Christian - including Seventh-day Adventist Christians have pondered the question you mentioned about tithing on loans. I am one of them. Did you discuss that question with anyone who might be knowledgeable about the topic?
Since the Bible teaches that we are to give a tenth of our increase - and that increase seems to be referring to earned income - it doesn't seem technically, Biblically possible to tithe on a loan since it is not earned income. Of course you know that a loan in borrowed money that you have to pay back plus interest. We essentially would be returning a tithe twice plus interest. I say that because you have to pay back the amount borrowed plus interest out of money that you earn later. And you will return a tithe on the money that you earn later. If you give 10% of what you borrow to the church then you will be giving 20% on it when you earn the same amount and then pay off the loan plus interest. No matter what anyone says you can only tithe once since that is how God set it up - anything above 10% on earned income is an offering. It is a problem when people talk about giving a double tithe. It usually reeks of pride and boasting. There is no such thing. We are welcome to give as much as is reasonable as cheerful givers in the form of offerings.
Consider these thoughts from some random person's blog:
Homeowners do not give out of their mortgage (ie. give a proportion of what the bank lends). Car owners do not give a sum to "cover" the finance they take out on a car. And surely no one, when taking out a personal loan from a bank, would straightaway give a proportion to their church. There is nothing stopping those people doing those things. But they understand the Biblical principles enough to know that it would be an entirely upside-down way of doing things. Could they give in this way if they so desired? Of course! But the reality is that they won't. Surely the student loan question fits into this same category.
The person who wrote that doesn't believe in tithing at all but the above examples are good ones.
You could choose to give money to the church/ God from your student loans but it would have to be considered an offering and you should know that you would essentially be giving it twice plus interest. From a stewardship perspective that might not be best.
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