Thursday, April 28, 2011

Devotional Thoughts

Philippians 6:8 states

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

What a challenge in our world today to think of ONLY things that are TRUE, NOBLE, RIGHT, PURE, LOVELY and ADMIRABLE. A few days ago--well about a week ago-- I was reading the news and came across an article about a recent cover album of Lady Gaga's album. Although it is often not wise to read beyond the article and continue on to the comments posted below (as I have learned from reading the news daily since 2009---they can be so hurtful), I usually can not help but to read them anyways. I was in absolute amazement when I read the comments in regards to the album cover.

Personally, when I saw the album cover, I almost gagged. It looked so devilish, and I could not help but to shake my head in amazement on how the devil has worked his way to making satanic materials so appealing and intriguing. From the responses, all of the people seemed to have been disappointed that the album cover looked "cheap" or that the Gaga could have tried something even more daring. Have we become so blind as not to see that we wrestle against not against flesh and blood but spirits beyond our nature?

We have. Unfortunately though, we have become so desensitize to these things that the devil himself could walk in front of us, shake our hands, tell us that he is indeed the devil and that he wants the worse for us, and we would laugh at him, dance with him, chat with him, finally accepting his invitation to take the ride with him.

We are losing touch with absolute reality, and a whole bunch of us have no idea.

Truth is, I look at all of these celebrities (esp. the Gaga), and I see a broken person, who is saying all of these things but has completely lost it. To me, she looks like a person who goes to bed every night in pain, and in depression. As soon as the devil is done using her and her team, she will hit the ground very hard. She is on the path to destruction and nobody is able to stop her.

I don't know how much I can do, but I will make it a point to pray for her. Think on this...just as God used Saul to fight on His team (as Paul), imagine if there was an 180 degrees turn from her? How powerful would that be to the world who is closely following her and looking up to her?!! [Deep, son!]

As for you, church, PRAY!!! Pray for the future of our society!

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