Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Captivate Us

Wow, it's just amazing to take the time out to read my previous posts. Apparently in October, I was feeling the heat academically, and praying for a testimony as I was overwhelmed with work, as the semester was ending. Well, guess what. I ended up receiving all As in all FIVE of my classes. Obviously, I made it. I would like to say that I don't know how it happened, but I'd be lying.

God did it.

He is such an God.

I thought last semester was tough....well, this one was no better. Except that I learned half way through that worrying wasn't going to do anything meaningful for me. As God has lead me in the past, I should be sure that He would lead me again. As I left the "worrying" to God, focused my devotion around Numbers 14, continued to spend time with Him in the morning and once again committing to a small groups this year...I can't tell how faithful my Lord has been.

With 4 classes to fulfill requirements for, 160 hours of internship to complete, 4 schools to work with in four different districts, 2 commitment to spiritual groups as well as Sabbath commitments, and a wonderful relationship to balance, there is no question that there were times I wonder if I would be able to fulfill everything to the extent I would like to. So once again, I challenged God, and asked for a testimony, and once again I believe He will do what He said He would do- take care of me, and guide me.

With one week and a half left for school, here are my testimonies:

1. I passed a very important exam that I was a bit nervous about since I waited the day before to actually study for it. Lord willing, I will be alive to graduate with my M.A. degree this summer. yay :-D. God, You're amazing.

2. I have fulfilled all the requirements for the class that I was struggling to find motivation to complete. 4 ten-plus pages of reports done (worth half of my grade), and 2 presentations and papers completed (the other half). Apparently, I reached mastery. God, You're great.

3. For my practicum class, I had slightly given up on having to complete all my 160 hours this week because I didn't think it would actually come true. For the first time, I was okay with having a Deferred Grade in my transcript. Today, when I calculated my hours, I am 5 hours short of fulfilling the 160 hours needed. Dear God, should I say more?

4. The small groups that I was part of this summer, has been the best yet. It was amazing, and as of Sunday, we concluded our last meeting. Even when we don't know what we need, You step right in and provide it for us, Lord. As far as church-related commitments, I have successful taught the classes, even played the piano and sang. It's good to use what you have, even when you don't think you have much to offer, to praise God, I have realized.

5. Finally, as far as relationship. There is so much to say, but each day, not only to learn more about my awesome boyfriend :), but I also learn more about myself, and about the AWESOME GOD we both serve. God's timing is certainly the best. I wouldn't want it any other way. Thank you God for the people you send in my life. You always know what I need, even when I don't think I need them. I thank YOUU!!!!.

Doubting a little yourself? check out the story of the Israelite in Numbers 14. Take the journey with them, watch how Moses reasoned with God, and listen to how God responded.

For those who choose to believe in His word, He will never fail you. Doubt Him no more.

----> BE BLESSED!!!! <-------

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