Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Relationship 101

I wouldn't say I am an expert in giving relationship advice, but there are some things I think are important to know.

I was recently reading an article on the news about a 31-year woman who was not only killed by her ex-boyfriend but dismembered as well. It just doesn't make sense. It was not the first time he had physically abused her, why did she think it was going to be the last? Especially as her ex. Remember folk, all it takes is one second to take your life away, and if you add anger in the mix, the time decreases to a millisecond. Ladies (and gentlemen);if you let someone get away with hurting you, and come back to them, the take-home message is: I am your slave.

1) If you don't think highly of yourself, no one will.
2) If you have to give and give and give to get something that you deserve (e.g. respect), you're never going to get it. Respect should be given freely, not bought.
3) If you don't know what you're worth, any price will do.
4) Contrary to popular belief, the [constant]emotional roller coasters are not healthy, or cool.
5) Do not EVER think you can change somebody...permanently.
6) If your significant other feels comfortable constantly embarrassing you in private, don't think much will change in public.

I am sure you've this many times: (If I have learned anything, it is important to CARE)

1. Constantly communicate- a must
2. Affirm one another- a must
3. Respect---important is an understatement
4. Encourage and support- important

1 Corinthians 13.

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