Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Isaiah 26:3

Wow. It has been such a long time since I've updated this blog....where do I begin?

I wish I did not have to take classes this summer.
I wish I were somewhere much more exciting than this small town.
I wish that I could go on a vacation RIGHT NOW.
It is going to be one of the most painfully slow and boring summer.
Have MERCY!!!

(my thoughts before summer started)

--God has been good. Sooo good. I feel like nothing much has been going on, but yet so muuuchhh has been going on. Should I get into details?...ummmm. Too much. But God has been good. I spent the past year just trying to refrain myself from over-committing to things happening on campus ground, primarily because all my life, I have felt like I've always been doing "things" and never taken a step back to breathe and relax.

But when I look back at this past year, no matter how hard I tried, I still found myself extremely busy....always! doing something!!!!!..... So then I began to think, is this a curse or a blessing?

I started praying that God would provide me with opportunities to serve Him because the things that I was doing were all academic-related not necessarily spiritual. As soon as I shared my thoughts with God, a load of opportunities came rushing. "Oh Lord," I thought, "I am so hesitant right now to dig myself in a hole of responsibilities." Blah Blah. To make a long story short, I am back again to being "super busy", but more so with spiritual duties than academic (though I should be).

it's been such an awesome summer so far (still wish I didn't have to take any classes though).
This past Saturday, for instance, I don't think I can remember the last time I laughed soooooo hard/had as much fun. Friday was extremely hectic!! (hair, cook/food, homework, preparing for a friend's last potluck that Sabbath, preparing to help with worship and vespers on Friday, going to church, preparing preparing preparing....) but it was great. I loved every minute of that weekend. :-D

[I def complained too soon].

In any cases, I am looking forward to next weekend. I am also looking forward to the last weekend of July.

I am looking forward to December 2010.
I am looking forward to July 2011.
I am also looking forward to May 2012.


I believe in MIRACLES!!!!
My mind is staying on Thee, Lord.!

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